Thursday 13 March 2014

Problems We Faced

We faced some problems, especially with our first rough cut. The shots were very shaky as we did not know how to use the tripod yet.

Also picking a storyline was a challenge as we had to chose something that would appeal to our audience males (15-18). However after weeks and weeks of planning we decided to come up with oyr Final story 'Shot Caller'

We also had times when we were not able to all meet up at the same time and this stressed us out a little bit, but it all worked out in the end, thank goodness!
With our second rough cut we did not realise until after that some shots were unfocused, this made our movie look really bad, therefore we removed those shots.

Picking music was also a difficult task due to copyright reasons, we were unable to use many of our desired song choices because they were not copyright free, however we managed to find covers of the original songs we liked that also sounded cool. :)

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