Tuesday 7 January 2014

Donnie Darko Blogging Task

Donnie Darko

Location and mise en scene 
In the Donnie Darko sequence, the scene starts of with the school bus and the children coming of wearing school uniform this already suggest that they are school children because of the clothing they are wearing, such as white t-shirts, black bottoms, typically school clothing.

Another location is in the hall, this is shows what the school actually looks like, this includes, students standing next to lockers, teachers watching over students.

Students in the classroom successfully creates a school world because thats where students mostly spend their time in school, being educated.

As the children coming off of the bus walk into the school, the background detail successfully creates a scene of a school by using lockers  for the students to use, for example the girl looking in the minor and   some of the children walking through the hallways going to their lessons.


 In terms of miss en scene, costume is used to show the different status and the characters in Donnie Darko. in the begnning on the scene it is clear what the film is going to be about due to the costume. the students are wearing school uniform and the teachers are dress smartly. By the costume and location (building) of the school it suggest that it is a prestigious school, they all looked smartly dressed and the buildings are modern and big.

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