Sunday 26 January 2014

Resreaching - Type Of Music And Sound


In the opening of 90210, non-diegetic music is used through out. sounds like synchronous are used in the opening of this teen drama. the music creates a fun and partying atompshere.

Gossip Girl 
In Gossip Girl diegetic sounds are used. voice over was also used, 'XOX gossip girl,' this said by one of the actors. This is used at the beginning before the song is played.  Also the type of music  used in the beginning is 'La Roux - Bulletproof ' this song fast peace and fun and dancer song, this song was used to possibly reflect their lifestyle and the type of characters they are. Also it gives us a small hint of what kind of teen drama its going to be based of the choice of sound.

Vampire Diaries

Non diegetic sound was used , the music used was certain parts of "The Final Hour" by X-ray Dog' This music is very clam and sounds sort of mysterious, which could also suggest to the kind of film it is. in about 0.41seconds and beat drops and the music then becomes fast pace.

The type of sound  and music we could expect to hear in the opening of a teen Drama film really depends on the type of genre of the film and what the films about . For example, 90210 , its all about party, teenagers, family shopping and high school. Sounds that would  used will be up to beat, loud, fast, teen pop and dancer music. However with a teen drama film like Vampires Dairies, I would expect to hear sounds and music a bit more mysterious calm and  soft rock and new wave music/ songs which suggests what type of film it is and could also links to the title of the film.'Vampire'

Thursday 23 January 2014

Researching Music and Sound for your own Film opening

As a group out task was to watch a short clip (submarine) without any forms of diagetic and non diagetic sounds. We went through the process of picking the website where we would choose what types of sounds were best on those particular websites and how easy the websites were to use. We decided upon 'Soundcloud' as it was quick and easy to use.

It is important to use sound that is copyright free sound as if you do not do so, it may result in a criminal offence, and you would be breaking the law. Also when it comes to our coursework we will be awarded extra marks for using copyright sounds, especially if we (as a group) create the sound ourselves, this shows creativity.

We see creative commons because its legal to copy right and we didn't want to break the law. Also we as students will be awarded with more marks. Also we used it to show that we are layering sound. 


There are differences between the original submarine clip and our version. Our version consists of  2 non diagetic sounds throughout the whole clip, where as non diagetic sounds are played for the duration of the idents, then the sound stops then the non diagetic sound continues in the form of music.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Shot by Shot - compare

Compare original 'the breakfast club' to our version,

In our version of the breakfast club, as a group we tired to keep the same order and themes in the sequence. we tired to have everything the film had but in a unique way. In our sequence we had play different characters and roles because we didn't have enough male characters like the original film.

Also in our sequence, we weren't able to have real cars, so as a group we decided to use toys.

shot by shot the breakfast club

Editing - shot by shot

Thursday 16 January 2014

Shot by shot - filming

This is Edelyn and Montel setting up the camera about to start filming.  :) 

This is a mediuim shot of one the images we used in our production.

As a group we tried to use the same camera shots that were used within the original film. As a result of this we used a variety of shots, including shot-reverse-shot that we used quite frequently. The props helped our group to make our version of 'The Breakfast Club' look realistic and similar to the original. All of our scenes were shot within college premises, this was a minor setback as this meant we were not able to use real cars as many of the original scenes did. We overcame this however by using toy cars. We took time to create our own props (posters etc), this was fun and quick to do. We took extra care when handling the equipment as it is rather expensive.


Stereotypes in 'Not Another Teen Movie'
Throught this film different stereotypes are portrayed, showing the audience different stereotpyes that teenagers have within school life.

The main 14 stereotpyes in Not Another Teen Movie are;
  • The perfect girl
  • The desperate virgin
  • the wannabe
  • the cocky white guy
  • The crulest girl
  • the stupid fat guy
  • the foreign exchange student
  • the tocken black guy
  • the nasty cheerleader
  • the obsessed best friend
  • the popular jock
  • the pretty ugly girl
  • the beautiful weirdo.

Analysis of 3 teen movies with different audiences

There are many different forms of teen movies, that apply to different target audiences. From teen horros, comedies, romcons and much more.  Although the target audience are teenagers, different personalities will want to watch different kinds of movies.


St.Trinian's (2007) is a comedy, with mostly female characters. The target audience for this movie is teenage girls, as the characters are easy to relate to coming from a girl's perspective. When I personally watched this movie in the cinema, there were minimal males in the theatrl the majority of the audeince were females.

The movie Mama is rated a PG- 13. Although this movie is a horror, it is still available for teenagers to see. This suggests that scenes used in this movie are not as explicit as those in a PG-18. The audience for this movie would be 15+ as some scenes may be quite disturbing for a younger group.

Love and basketball is a romantic sport drama that explores the life of teenagers. It also displays issues to do with drama and touches upon race differences. I believe the audience for this movies would be those aged between 15 and 19 as when you are this age you can relate to many topics covered in this movie.

Monday 13 January 2014

Conventional Titles

The opening titles within a movie tend to follow a conventional order. The name of studio and production/distribution company are presented first along with their idents. This is done to make ownership clear and familiarise the audience with the companys. 'Starring' comes next where actors and actresses who are a part of the film are credited. The film title comes next and is followed by casting, music, production design etc. Writers/directors come after these. One example of this is The Roommate. 

1. Screen Ident of the distributor (Screen Gems )
2. Distributor title presents  ...
3. Title of production company ( Vertigo Entertainment ) 
4.Title of film (The Roomate ) 
5. Name of star actors 
6. Casting by
7. Costume designer 
8. Music Supervision By.. 
9. Music By.. 
10. Edited By ..
11. Production Designer 
12. Director of photography 
13. Executive Producers 
14. Produced by
15. Written by
16. Name of Director

Film opening conventions

Most movies follow the same or similar conventions of what they put in the being of their movies normally starting with the distributor's ident and the producers ident then moving onto the names of those who played a big role in the making of the film for example the actors of key characters, writers, producers etc. Depending on the level of fame people have decides where they will be placed in the films opening, well known actor like Leonardo Di Caprio would get a place early on in the movie.

In The Room-mate the order of what is shown in the opening scene are as follows:
  •  Distributor ident  
  •  Distributor title presents
  • Title of production company  
  • Title of film 
  • Name of star actors 
  • Casting by 
  • Costume designer 
  • Music Supervision By 
  • Music By
  • Edited By
  • Production Designer 
  • Director of photography 
  • Executive Producers 
  • Produced By  
  • Written By
  • Name of Director 
  • Sunday 12 January 2014

    Order of titles - explanntaion of order of ttiles

    Conventional  Order

    Before a film begins you always have a conventional order,  no matter how big budget or small budget the movie is there is also some sort of order title. However, the list of things are not always in the same order, for instants, some films would put the Director at the beginning of an opening (between 4,5 ) and last, they might appear twice. This is because the director is probably well known to emphasises his/her name. Also if  you have big name stars they would move up the list, (they would be between 2,3). This is to sell the film and show the audience who's staring.

    An example, The Roommates

    1.  Screen Ident of the distributor (Screen Gems )
    2.  Distributor title presents  ...
    3. Title of production company ( Vertigo Entertainment ) 
    4. Title of film (The Roomate ) 
    5. Name of star actors 
    6. Casting by ...
    7. Costume designer 
    8. Music Supervision By.. 
    9. Music By.. 
    10. Edited By ..
    11. Production Designer 
    12. Director of photography 
    13. Executive Producers 
    14. Produced By ... 
    15. Written By ...
    16. Name of Director 

    Thursday 9 January 2014

    Shot by shot - planning

    this is just one page from the breakfast club storyboard which we printed off

    Costume within the breakfast club

    Costume within The Breakfast Club

    The Breakfast Club was made and distributed in 1985, so the costumes that the characters wear in the movie differ quite immensely to the types of clothes teenagers wear today. The costumes the characters wear in the movie is now considered to be  'vintage clothes'. As a group we will be able to get ahold of these clothes by visiting charity and/or vintage shops as the clothes they sell fit the storyline and the time era the movie was set. 

    It is apparent that the season is either Winter or Autumn as the characters are wrapped up warm. The weather in London now, suits this story line as it is cold and characters used in our version of The Breakfast Club can wrap up warm, without struggle.


    • Claire-  Red lipstick, Curly hair, brown leather jacket
    • Claire's father- Burberry scarf (suggests wealth), Black suit 
    • Brian(nerd)- Hat, jacket- because he is a nerd, he does not really care about his appearence 
    • Brian's mother- Cream jacket (quite vintage) 
    • Andre(jock)- Generic vintage gym wear; baseball jacket
    • Andre's father- Normal red coat
    • John(scruffy character)- Black sunglasses, boots, long grey jacket, red scarf
    • Allison- All black attire 


    (hollie) Claire is the prom queen and is clearly a snob.
    Father - Montell
    (edelyn )He is sort of a nerd.
    Mother (leyan) 
    (montell) Andrew is clearly a jock
    father (leyan)
    JOHN BENDER (hollie)
    ALLISON. (edelyn )

    Shot by Shot - planning

    Props that our group intend to use when filming include;

    • Cars (whether they be toys or real)
    • Educational books
    • Graffiti furniture/objects 
    • Wall clock
    • Cantine objects (food, cups etc)
    • Educational posters
    • Newspaper
    • Ripped clothes
    • Trophies
    • Litter
    • Picture frame (promoting good school students)
    • Computers (computer room)
    • Gym clothes!
    • Artistic objects 
    • Locker
    • Rope ( suggesting suicide) 
    • Shopping bags
    • Paper bags (for packed lunch)

    Shot by Shot - plannig

    Saturday...March 24, 1984.  Shermer
                   High School, Shermer, Illinois.
                   60062.  Dear Mr. Vernon...we accept
                   the fact that we had to sacrifice a
                   whole Saturday in detention for
                   whatever it was that we did wrong,
                   what we did was wrong.  But we think
                   you're crazy to make us write this
                   essay telling you who we think we
                   are, what do you care?  You see us
                   as you want to see the
                   simplest terms and the most
                   convenient definitions.  You see us
                   as a brain, an athelete, a basket
                   case, a princess and a criminal.
                   Correct?  That's the way we saw each
                   other at seven o'clock this morning.
                   We were brainwashed...
                                                      CUT TO:
         We see CLAIRE and her FATHER sitting in their car in the
         parking lot.
         Claire is the prom queen and is clearly a snob.
                   I can't believe you can't get me
                   out of this...I mean it's so absurd
                   I have to be here on a Saturday!
                   It's not like I'm a defective or
                           CLAIRE'S FATHER
                   I'll make it up to you...Honey,
                   ditching class to go shopping
                   doesn't make you a defective.  Have
                   a good day.
         Claire rolls her eyes and gets out of the car and walks
         up the school front steps
                                                      CUT TO:
         We are in BRIAN's car.  His MOTHER is there and so is
         his little SISTER.  He is sort of a nerd.
                            BRIAN'S MOTHER
                   Is this the first time or the last
                   time we do this?
                            BRIAN'S MOTHER
                   Well get in there and use the time
                   to your advantage...
                   Mom, we're not supposed to study; we
                   just have to sit there and do
                            BRIAN'S MOTHER
                   Well mister you figure out a way to
                        BRIAN'S LITTLE SISTER
                            BRIAN'S MOTHER
                   Well go!
         Brian gets out of the car and walks towards the school.
                                                      CUT TO:
         We see ANDREW and his FATHER.  Andrew is clearly a jock;
         he’s wearing a letterman’s jacket with lots of patches on it.
                           ANDREW'S FATHER
                   Hey, I screwed around...guys screw
                   around, there's nothing wrong with
                   that.  Except you got caught, Sport.
                   Yeah, Mom already reemed me, alright?
                           ANDREW'S FATHER
                   You wanna miss a match?  You wanna
                   blow your ride?  Now no school's
                   gonna give a scholarship to a
                   discipline case.
         Andrew gets out of the car and walks into the school.
                                                      CUT TO:
         We see JOHN BENDER walking towards us.  He is wearing
         sunglasses.  A car is coming towards him but he doesn't
         stop walking.
         The car slams on its breaks directly in front of him.
         Bender gets out of the frame.  Out of the car steps
         ALLISON.  She is dressed all in black.  She steps
         forward to look in the car's front window and the car
         drives away.
                                                     CUT TO:

    Tuesday 7 January 2014

    Donnie Darko Blogging Task

    Donnie Darko

    Location and mise en scene 
    In the Donnie Darko sequence, the scene starts of with the school bus and the children coming of wearing school uniform this already suggest that they are school children because of the clothing they are wearing, such as white t-shirts, black bottoms, typically school clothing.

    Another location is in the hall, this is shows what the school actually looks like, this includes, students standing next to lockers, teachers watching over students.

    Students in the classroom successfully creates a school world because thats where students mostly spend their time in school, being educated.

    As the children coming off of the bus walk into the school, the background detail successfully creates a scene of a school by using lockers  for the students to use, for example the girl looking in the minor and   some of the children walking through the hallways going to their lessons.


     In terms of miss en scene, costume is used to show the different status and the characters in Donnie Darko. in the begnning on the scene it is clear what the film is going to be about due to the costume. the students are wearing school uniform and the teachers are dress smartly. By the costume and location (building) of the school it suggest that it is a prestigious school, they all looked smartly dressed and the buildings are modern and big.