Tuesday 10 December 2013

Task 1- Researching target audiences

This is group 14's survey.
We (as a group) interviewed both adults and teenagers about 'teen movies'. The series of questions we asked will help us to analyse and understand in depth what people enjoy viewing and this will help us when we are making our own version of a teen movie.

The survey we conducted helped us to understand the differences between teenage and adult preferences. Most of the teenagers we questioned liked many of the same movies, for example 'Anuvahood' which was released in 2011 , this is a reasonably recent movie, and most people we asked can relate to the movie which makes them like it even more. Where as the adults liked older teen movies, this is because they can reminisce of their youth. Many teenagers enjoy action movies and the use of miss en scene helps viewers of the movie enjoy it more, for example in 'Anuvahood' many of the props and costumes intrigued teenagers as it is either items they want or already own (another way to relate to the movie). Other movies mentioned were 'Hunger Games' the teenager too liked the action aspect of the movie and the good use of editing.

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