Tuesday 11 February 2014

Shot Types

Scene 1: Main character (Montell) walking through the street; Long shot (we will also use panning when Montell is walking)- whilst music is playing.
Gang of youths (6-8 mixed gender characters) run up from behind Montell and start to abuse him through physical and verbal abuse, whilst recording him using mobile phones (loud music kicks in). Range of long, mid-shots, close up's and extreme close-ups within this scene.

Props: Mobile phones, gang clothing

Scene 2: Montell runs away; medium close up and panning (non-diagetic sound playing). We will use close ups when Montell is is running through form of nature such as bushes etc. We will also use cut-aways when Montell's bag falls on the ground.

Props: Bag, mobile phone

Scene 3: Montell arrives home (diagetic sound used within whole scene) Montell is greeted by his mother who is cooking. Mother puts food on table where Montell is sitting down (cut away to plate of food) . First sight of montell's telekenitic powers- close up of Montell pushing food away, using powers. Montell gets up and leaves angrily. Close-up of mothers face (look of annoyance)

Props: Kitchen utensils (plates etc) items that tend to be kitchens

Scene 4: Montell in his bedroom watching videos of himself getting beaten up on a social networking (facebook) second sight of montell's telekentic powers. Extreme close up of his hands shaking (powers) computer screen suddenly breaks, Montell looks extremely angry.
Panning, and a range of shots used in this scene. 

Props: Computer screen,  things you find in generic teenage bedrooms.

Scene 5: Montell leaves home angrily, front door bangs, pan in a circular motion around montell. Cliff hanger, foreshadowing danger for gang of youths.

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