Tuesday 25 February 2014

Planning - Story Borad

After watching our first rough cut we all came to the conclusion that it was rather embarrassing lol!
we noticed many mistakes with flowing of cuts to cuts and that the we did not have many different shot types, so we've decided to rethink our movie idea, we no longer want to do a movie about a boy with telekinesis as it was too hard to portray his powers without looking silly.

We've decided to stick with the idea that the main character (Montell) gets bullied in the park, we are sticking to the same setting as it is secluded which adds to the atmosphere.

Scene 1- Montell walks through park/forest (establishing shot)
When Montell is walking through the park, we will use shots of him walking (long shot- of him with bullies in sight, close up and mid close ups. We will then use a tilt up of one of the bullies, and we will use cut away when the bullies are shouting to Montell from afar. When the confrontation takes place (when bullies take drugs away from Montell) we will use a range high/low angles, shot-reverse shots and over the shoulder shots, match cuts (eye line).

Scene 2- When Montell runs away. This scene will consist of a good range of shots including jump shots (when mother is taking drugs) Slow motion will also be added when mother is taking drugs whilst editing.

Scene 3- Montell enters home, goes to see mother very quickly, small amount of speech as he proceeds to go upstairs into his room. Mother is angry,use cut away to show drugs she is using then use a close up and extreme close up) Try use split screen in editing if possible.

Scene 4- Point of view shot- the mother walks upstairs and witnesses Montell holding a knife.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Shot Types

Scene 1: Main character (Montell) walking through the street; Long shot (we will also use panning when Montell is walking)- whilst music is playing.
Gang of youths (6-8 mixed gender characters) run up from behind Montell and start to abuse him through physical and verbal abuse, whilst recording him using mobile phones (loud music kicks in). Range of long, mid-shots, close up's and extreme close-ups within this scene.

Props: Mobile phones, gang clothing

Scene 2: Montell runs away; medium close up and panning (non-diagetic sound playing). We will use close ups when Montell is is running through form of nature such as bushes etc. We will also use cut-aways when Montell's bag falls on the ground.

Props: Bag, mobile phone

Scene 3: Montell arrives home (diagetic sound used within whole scene) Montell is greeted by his mother who is cooking. Mother puts food on table where Montell is sitting down (cut away to plate of food) . First sight of montell's telekenitic powers- close up of Montell pushing food away, using powers. Montell gets up and leaves angrily. Close-up of mothers face (look of annoyance)

Props: Kitchen utensils (plates etc) items that tend to be kitchens

Scene 4: Montell in his bedroom watching videos of himself getting beaten up on a social networking (facebook) second sight of montell's telekentic powers. Extreme close up of his hands shaking (powers) computer screen suddenly breaks, Montell looks extremely angry.
Panning, and a range of shots used in this scene. 

Props: Computer screen,  things you find in generic teenage bedrooms.

Scene 5: Montell leaves home angrily, front door bangs, pan in a circular motion around montell. Cliff hanger, foreshadowing danger for gang of youths.

Research - Planning

As a group we have been instructed to make a 'teen film opening'. We have been looking at examples of teenage movies, in particular British teen films  as they are easier as us as a group can relate to them and it will be more realistic in connection to our ideas. Here are  some examples:

Pitch feedback

From our feedback we were given advice on our music on good British grime artists like Skepta since we said we wanted artists to go with the young criminal groups in the scene when the main character is getting bullied, taking this on we looked more for music which sounded like this and fitted in with the young British grime genre. 

We were also given feedback on how to show our main characters powers, to shake desks and move objects offscreen to make it seem as if it is the main characters. When cracking a computer screen a lot of people wanted to know how we were going to do it, we had the idea of putting a picture of a cracked screen on the computer and with editing make it look like the main character did it, Lenya was also going to see if she could just get a cracked computer from her dads work which would be better.                                                                                                                                                          

We were also asked to elaborate on our storyboard which is in another blog, to show more shot types that we'll use and give more information on what the opening will look like.  


Monday 10 February 2014

audience task 2: 3 teen movies with different audiences

 Brick seems to be intended for teens who like being challenged by their movies to find out plot twists, like detective films, violence and may be interested in doing the same in their future.
probably aimed at boys for age 13 to 20

Ferris Bueller's day off may  be aimed at young boys who like comedy and skipping school going out with friends to be rebellious and have fun, like the main character in the film, the audience may be very social and like having lots of attention on themselves and making jokes. aimed at boys aged 11 to 18

mean girls like both the other films would be more targeted at girls seen by most f the advertising and main images of the film, using very feminine colours like pink and white. but this film also challenges conventions by making the main character an outcast and trying to go against the "cool girls". aimed at girls aged 11 to 19

Thursday 6 February 2014

Music used in Telekensis

Our group viewed many songs, all of which were on sound cloud. We were not sure what songs to pick at first, but we finally made up our minds. We decided on american hip0hop/grime. This genre of music matches our story plot very well.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Brief outline of the whole film (ROUGH)

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The title of our movie- TELEKINESIS

Our group decided on the title 'TELEKINESIS' after much thought. We were orginially wanted to call our sci-fi thriller movie, 'DARK BOY' but we thought telekinesis was an interesting that also relates well to the plot of our movie. Personally (as a group) we did not know the definition of telekinesis so we googled it.

Our movie involves the main character moving objects with his mind, that is what telekinesis means. the word also sounds good and will get audience members (or members of the public) intrigued as to what it means, resulting in them watching the actual movie.

We tried to look at other words also, but telekinesis was the best word.